National Titles:
2009 New Zealand Women's One Trick Record Holder
2009 New Zealand Women's One Overall Champion
1st Tricks 1st Slalom 1st Overall
2008 New Zealand Women's One Overall Champion
1st Tricks 1st Slalom 1st Overall
Regional Titles:
2009 Waikato Region's "Most Overall Improved Skier"
2009 Waikato Region's Women's One Overall Champion
1st Tricks 1st Slalom 1st Overall
2008 Waikato Region's Women's One Overall Champion
1st Tricks 1st Slalom 1st Overall
As you can see above, Jarna Old is a successful bare footer.
It can be said Jarna was born in to a "footing family"
with her dad Peter having been a NZ representative in the same
sport. The Old family are passionate about their chosen sport,
the associated gear and the boats required to do "footing".
To be successful, Jarna had to train & practice for many
hours. Plenty of those hours have ticked by behind the family
boat. Getting the correct boat speed and desirable water conditions
for "footing" from the boat does not come easily. Peter
has now set up a number of boats for bare footing. Although he
does dairy plant maintenance and welds stainless steel for a
living, Peter knows a crook propeller can be detrimental to boat
set up so if the propeller needs a service, he sends it to Dunnrite
Propellers where he knows the job will be done right.